After nearly 20 years in the insurance industry, I have come to the realization that workers' compensation is the specific area in which I have knowledge to share. I have always focused on workers' compensation, but only recently did I realize that in doing so I had acquired knowledge that should be shared.
I have spent time as a teacher, and in doing so always treated the classroom as a place for mutual education. I don't know everything, and could learn from students as much as they could learn from me. The same is true here. I will write about the things that I know, but I welcome comments and ideas, even if they are contradictory to my own.
My focus will be on Indiana. That is the state I have worked in my whole life. While I have experience in other states, and some of the information carries over, any specific information will be based on Indiana law and underwriting guidelines.
A specific focus within workers' compensation for me has always been the experience modification calculation. My first job as an underwriter put me in a unique position to be the guy who reported to the NCCI for our company. Combine that with my math background (guess what subject I taught) and it is a natural.
There will be more posts about experience modification than other areas because I know it better, and I feel it is more misunderstood than other components. Plus, there are other blogs dealing more with the law, and claims, and I can reference those.
I hope you enjoy the content and share freely. Any ideas and comments are welcome.
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